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Showing posts with the label financial literacy


Introduction: Who doesn't wish to become rich? Everybody in the world cherishes the desire to earn plenty of money, satisfying his desires and providing him with all the luxuries. Money is very powerful. It can be witnessed from the lives of people who are earning millions. The more money you have, the more ease and convenient life you spend. Robert Kiyosaki has brought a revolution in the field of money and its uses. The following description of a glimpse from the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad". Are you looking for financial literacy book? Rich Dad Poor Dad book review should be the first to begin to read. Go ahead!👉 Robert Kiyosaki Bio: Robert Kiyosaki is the author of the famous book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. He is very well known for his concepts of financial literacy. Real estate is his major business in America. He has been contributing in the field of spreading awareness about Asset Proliferation, Understanding the difference between Asset and Liability, Financial Decisio