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It is exactly true that humans can establish irrational hypothetic assumptions of faith and fantasy and stamp them to be an ingredient of their beliefs. We rule our mind endowments. Historically, humans have discerned numerous beliefs and persuaded people about their purity. We today conclude their perspectives obsolete. We conclude it in that way because we have our own exploration. It is quite possible that future generations would detect our errors and begin believing something with even more firmly ingrained faith. Misfortunately, our ancestors didn’t bother to examine or iterate their assumptions. This lack of seriousness brought various vague and obsolete concepts that could have been omitted for illogical structures and unreliability. For instance, many civilizations used to worship the sun, the moon, fire, stars, idols, and kings and exempted them from vulnerability and dependence. The sunset, the moon disappeared, the fire had been defeated by water, stars appeared only in nights, idols and kings were created themselves. Prophets emphasized these perspectives but people still rejected them on the basis of ancestral beliefs that came down cohesively. Our belief system has been detained by the group of people who pretend to be our well-wishers but unfortunately, they have infected irrational beliefs based on fantasy and hypotheses. This orthodoxy has activated fanatic germs within us and disabled our rational thinking. Our minds are completely paralyzed. We are solely responsible for it because we have declared our religious scholars and their words divine and flawless.   

Pharaohs of the time of Moses, Abraham, and other prophets along with people who were residents of their kingdoms naively accepted the assumption that humans can be supernaturally powerful and therefore they begin worshipping those Pharaohs. Many reformers including prophets disseminated the concept of only one true God (Allah) and divine truth but people’s beliefs were so firmly ingrained that prophets were rejected and they confronted agonies. They patiently bore suffering because they knew the reward for it. Those who sacrifice for the consent of Allah (Lord), is promised to receive precious and prestigious awards.


Al-Quran 18:65 (Surah Al-Kahf Verse 65)

There are various languages spoken around the world. It is no strange that the grammatical rules for every language remain the same. Particularly, nouns do not change even if you use them in Spanish, Italian, English, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese or so. I was listening to the translation of Quran Kareem Chapter 18 (Surah Kahf). If you read the verse above in Arabic, you will find the compound noun, Abdallah. Abd means a person (a believing one) and Allah is the name of the Lord who created this entire universe within 6 consequent days, indeed. The translation replaced the word Abdallah with Khizar without any evident reason. Astonishingly, this assumed incompatible name got propelling popularity and today you’ll find numerous YouTube videos, hundreds of blogs, plenty of books written by credible religious scholars, and influential about it. That material reveals his eternity, disguise, assigned activities, and roles like a prophet or an angel of Allah Subhana. His suspicious emergence hasn’t been ever disclosed. The fundamental question buried alive by people is, how he came into being without any single endorsement in the holy books?


Torah is also a sacred, divine, and holy book revealed on Prophet Moses. You’ll find an evident endorsement of it in Quran Kareem. The event in which Prophet Moses met Abdallah must also be mentioned in Torah. Hence, I decided to study Torah with the same soulful true spirit that I have when I recite Quran Kareem. And you know Allah bestows immensely prestigious guidance when you intend to explore his path, and he is indeed most capable. I did not find any name assimilating to the name that was translated in Urdu, Sindhi, or English. Then, the question arises, who invented this figure? Who is Khizar then?


You have been bestowed an enormously powerful mind. The majority of people outside are strategically detained to accept untrue and illogical fantasies. They are carrying with them the same ancestral beliefs dipped deep into their genetics. These traps are vigorously preying those who trust religious scholars more than the holy books. You can easily assess the consequences of misinterpretations obtained from irrational conclusions. Beware of those traps and decide to verify everything from the only effective source; Quran Kareem. All false propaganda and irrelevant concepts would be exposed when you seek its help.

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