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SELF DEVELOPMENT BOOKS: Atomic Habits Book Review

Introduction of the book

What leads us to perform an action? This is a perplexing question for understanding the science of habits. There are many self-development books available in the market which provide comprehensive guidance about habit formation"Atomic Habits" is an effective tool for individuals who have been desiring to improve their lives by adopting good habits and getting rid of the bad ones. Everybody tries to develop habits that can benefit him with fit health, advancement, growth, popularity, and assistance in achieving the goal of an efficient lifestyle. It is astonishing to see that the rate of successors is nearly minimum comparing to those who fail. Atomic Habits is an effective guide suggesting the natural way of forming good habits. The author has introduced the science of habits in order to help people turn their miserable lifestyle into decisive and productive. You can proceed below to read the "Atomic Habits" Book review.

The Author

James Clear is a habit specialist, personal development keynote speaker, and New York Time’s bestselling author of Atomic Habits. His entertaining talks teach about small habits, decision making, and continuous improvement. Clear is a regular speaker at Fortune 500 companies. He has taught more than 10 thousand managers, coaches, and teachers how to improve.

The idea of 1% change in everything you do

James Clear suggested in Atomic Habits that people usually initiate incorrectly. Habit adoption and eradication have natural ways. He states that many of us fail to adopt good habits or get rid of bad habits because either we are not completely motivated or the process lacks efficiency which results in disappointment.

Exclusively, the author recommends to form a habit from the level of minimum possible. It may not apparently give desired results but one can let the habit occupy some space in the routine which will follow the next steps. He urges the readers to change 1% in everything that we do. And once the habit is formed, it is essential to keep improving it gradually by increasing the percentage of the change.

                How 1% change led Britain to success in Olympic Games?

His worldwide famous book depicts the story of how Britain got the title of Olympic Champion. Britain has been confronting frequent loss until the new couch changed the lifestyle of the participants. The coach changed 1% in everything the players do – exercise, bed time, diet, practice and professional engagements. Since his urges were worked on, the world witnessed that the Britain not only won the Bicycle Race but also got entitled with the Champions.

The story of the Britain has actually shown the power of the atomic habits. One can imagine if the 1% can make the Britain’s dream come true, what would happen when the routines are change more percent.

Also view: Explanation of the "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

The formation of habits

People act in a certain way because there are factors that motivate them to do so. These factors are cue, craving, response and reward. First, there is a cue, a trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and which habit to use. Then there is the routine, which can be physical or mental or emotional. Response intervenes when a person performs an activity to obtain the reward. Finally, there is a reward, which helps your brain figure out if this particular loop is worth remembering for the future.

Habits have their own science. They emerge gradually and there is only repetition that lets them in completely. It all begins from the first step. The author suggests that when you want to adopt a particular habit, you have to repeat that action frequently in order to succeed.

Pleasure in bad habits and Pain in good habits

Good habits rely on how patiently and passionately you are driving yourself toward establishing the habit. Good habits apparently seem giving no fruits in the short term. A body builder has to work-out long hours. His regular exercise with the same spirit would lead him get masculine figure. While, in contrast, the bad, or devastating, habits provide quick pleasure in the short run but they adversely affect the lifestyle in the long term. A drug addicted may fall in the trap of pleasure without delay but it will ruin his healthy life. Good habits take time to please you and bad habits delight you rapidly.

Procrastination clouds

Consequences of procrastination

Many people fail to adopt a good habit or eradicate bad ones because of procrastination. One has to be determined to initiate earliest possible because it is now or never. Delaying may seem nothing but it has the power of stopping you from achieving your goals. Procrastination prevents you from getting better version of yourself. STOP DELAYING, JUST BEGIN NOW!!!

Chaining the habits together

The book entails that we ought to connect good habits with other good habits. Every time when we perform any particular activity, there should be other before and after activities. Once these before and after activities are joint, furthermore activities when added would lead us to a better lifestyle.

Recommendation note:

James Clear has changed many lives by teaching how people can improve starting from the very minimum level. His concept is based on the atomic habits but when you examine the results, these atomic changes have brought gigantic changes in people's lives. Everybody despite belonging to whatever field needs improvement and this book is handy guide to learn the art and science of habits.


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